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Riverblast1013 StaffApplication

Trusted Member

To start, I've always been a person to want to help others with problems and such, IRL and online like the Life RP server I play on now. I live in North America so even though I'm far away from most of the player base, I still love this server and have loved playing on it about 2 years ago when I first joined. The more I play the more I want to help improve the server even if its just helping people with simple questions like; "why cant I join the server even though it says 22/24?" I take joy in helping in anything big or small. I have a IRL job so I know what its like to be in a team of people working together towards the good for the community, and that's my only intention. This Application Isn't much but it projects my point big enough for you to see. And even if I dont get staff I'm still glad to help as a member of the community.


Steam IRL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198957458312/


If you have read this, Thank you for reading my application and hope its taken into consideration!



Topic starter Posted : 23/11/2022 9:41 pm