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Eminent Member Customer

I had a new suggestion to fix players KOSing.

What will happen is PvP will be disabled in non-event locations. When a player wants to kill another player they will type in /(example) (playername). What will then happen is the player the person was directing the command toward will receive warning that another player is trying to rob/fight them, then after that, Pvp will be enabled in (X) amount of time. This will give both players a chance to react without them both having to have voice chat. The command will only be able to be executed when a player is in a certain distance from another player and is not in a safe zone. Another suggestion for the command is that if a player is in a vehicle, the command can be used from further away.

(I know this is not a perfect fix and can be tweaked, so please leave your comments/criticisms below).  

Topic starter Posted : 27/05/2017 2:45 am
Illustrious Member Admin

I think this would be awful for RP, it would break immersion and make the servers feel limited. PVP should be enabled at all times, letting players have unique roleplay experiences without being limited by rules or commands.

Posted : 27/05/2017 5:57 pm
Eminent Member Customer

Could you put a terms and conditions thing when a new player joins? (and he/she has to accept it). It would just describe what KoS and Roleplay are along with telling players how to correctly follow the rules.

Topic starter Posted : 27/05/2017 8:10 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

There are rotating messages in chat making players aware of /rules. I don't like the idea of having pop ups or things getting in the way of players trying to play. Especially for regular players who will have to deal with it everytime they join. I think these things might push players away- I like the freedom of the servers as is. 

Unfortunately there's only so much rules and staff can do to prevent KOS, its really up to if players choose to follow the rules or not

Posted : 27/05/2017 9:48 pm