Ipax Phantom KOS
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Ipax Phantom KOS

Reputable Member Customer

Yeah. So I'm back! What a swell way to be greeted by getting killed (Again). So... Here's the story. I was looting this farm, no harm in doing so, and two man-children just shout out "we're friendly". I said the same, told them I was "eating my soup, because I was hungry", and then they turn the corner, and shoot me in the face. I, uh, think that was KOS, because they weren't robbing me, or giving me any warning or hint of killing... So, yeah. Get Chernarus under control. That's where most of these killings happen. 

STEAM ID:  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068264746

Topic starter Posted : 12/11/2017 10:54 pm