The story of Dreadn...
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The story of Dreadnought the mechanic

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The mechanic was said to be one of the best apocalyptic mechanics out there, he was able to make a war machine from a rusty bike and household supplies. He then was given a job by the military as this was before the apocalypse when he mad military vehicles for his job. Then he was tasked to make a vehicle code named: Excalibur, many had failed but he had a plan he would change the power of the vehicle from bio to fusion. He did and succeeded but there was a vote and he lost it to 3 out of 5 and then he was exiled to Chernobyl before the apocalypse and the vehicle was never released into the world. Then it happened, the apocalypse and he went to the mountain with a chainsaw and built a house. It is said to this day he lives there but no has ever found him because there are so many mountains in Chernobyl. It says however finds him and brings him a project and the materials to build it he will. But there might be a twist. After the project he will ask if he can become your mechanic and will build machines for you as long as you provide the materials for it.

-By NorCalKing

And the true story of the Dreadnought   

Topic starter Posted : 05/09/2019 2:23 am