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New Member Guest

I was banned because I got to caught up in the pvp aspect of the server and forgot to role play. I was in a battle against an enemy squad in Novy Sober and if I initiated I would have certainly died and lost any gear. So I decided to fire. Wrong choice. Admins doing their job saw and banned me instantly. I feel I should be unbanned because I have had a nearly six month break from unturned and primarily Chernarus. I will most certainly not KOS again and focus my time on the server into the role playing aspect of the server. I have tried to find other games to play but fortnite is getting old and there is no other unturned server that provide the same kind role playing and enjoyable experience as Chernarus. Furthermore, I will be getting a better computer soon and will be able to record and provide clips if any staff members request them. After a six month break I promise to follow rules and respect the other players on the server, as well as roleplay much more and focus on that primary aspect of the server. I am very sorry and hope the staff members of the Nylex roleplay servers will look at this and give me another chance on Chernarus. I promise I will not mess up again.


Topic starter Posted : 12/05/2018 5:03 pm