I get banned for ge...
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I get banned for getting my Helicopter back that was stolen in SZ

New Member Guest

 I was banned for "unspecified" witch I know the real reason for it is because I took back My Helicopter back from SZ that was stolen inside SZ Zombiekiller saw me unlock it so of course I say yes because i'm truthful and he reports and I come back to a 1yr ban.
I should be given a second chance because in that moment I was not thing and i didn't want to wait another 12 hours for a Heli or buy it from somebody so I took it back Not thinking about the rules, I really just want to be un-banned to run my Shop and play with my friends (I play no other games that they do) so if and Admin or Nylex reads this I'm sorry i just want to play on the server.
Chernarus Roleplay

I hope I can get back on the server thanks

Topic starter Posted : 03/06/2019 12:53 am