Mass KOSing team on...
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Mass KOSing team on Chernaus

Reputable Member

So, I was just going to loot NW airfield and I saw 3 guys standing there and I decided to go to talk to them and when I was pretty close to them I just said hello, and right away they backed up a little bit and after that they rushed me and KOSed me the first time.

Then I started to tp to the team to tell them to read the rules and give back my stuff and to ask why did u KOS me and everytime I tped I didnt even get to finish what I was saying and they had KOSed me.

First KOSer of their team (probs the guy that KOSed me the most) Goku - steamlink -

Second KOSer of their team (Second most KOS) LoduraL - steamlink -

Third KOSer of their team (Third most KOS) Muddy Offroader - steamlink -

Now some proof, not going to post all the KOS pictures, because that would take ages.

Goku KOSing - - Some extra for goku like hes saying here he has my IP = probs threating to ddos me or leak it somewhere or something ( and another thing he called LoduraL (his friend) admin in voice chat when I tped to him (

LoduraL KOSing -

Muddy Offroader KOSing -

I hope staff is going to do something about this even though this will never end, people just dont understand its a RP server not a PVP server, guys if u want to go crazy and kill everyone you see type in the servers list PVP, thank me later.

Atleast goku he was going crazy threating me and KOSing like a crazy man.

Topic starter Posted : 19/06/2017 7:41 am
Reputable Member

Did a mistake there on the goku part where I told he said he has my IP, that gyazo doesnt work because u need to remove that  ) in the end I see it went to the gyazo link and thats why it doesnt work and about when he said LoduraL is admin you need to remove ) there too, sorry about that.

Topic starter Posted : 19/06/2017 7:43 am
Active Member Customer

100% True I was on when Lodural was on and he KOS me

Posted : 19/06/2017 11:46 am
Illustrious Member Admin

Thanks for reporting and providing evidence! 

I've permanently banned all 3 of them:)

Posted : 19/06/2017 3:42 pm