kosed at chelarus m...
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[Solved] kosed at chelarus map by owen and john

New Member

ok so I was playing just looting when all of the sudden I see to guys I didn't know them as I was going to the church they said put your hands up then I started running a shotgun bullet hitted me right in the face I tp to them and they where saying put your hands up and give me your medkit at this point they have kosed me 3 times I used the medkit and you quested it they shot my face with a shotgun my mate is going there as we speak I tp more times and they KEEP shooting me and killing me I was kinda close to the airfield not the kos zone it was in a small village I will pretty apriciated to ban them for kos not in the kos zone and it was a lot of times and my pc crashed and I cant get in the server because of them I hope you guys admins or whatever will respon

Topic starter Posted : 03/05/2018 7:21 pm
Reputable Member


You will need to provide some video evidence so the staff can take action against this player. With the current information you've given us the staff can't do much. 

Posted : 03/05/2018 7:29 pm
PFQ reacted
Honorable Member


Posted : 05/05/2018 7:58 pm