KOS - Bigger Ounce ...
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KOS - Bigger Ounce (+3 in group) - Chernarus

Trusted Member

Mitrik Shavonk -  http://steamcommunity.com/id/watchfulatmoney/

Samurai Jork -  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198158419020

Mason Zyklovic -  http://steamcommunity.com/id/NovaToxic/

Bigger Ounce - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103227362


At first I was excited that they were seeming to RP, but it turned south quick with the REEEEEEE.

https://youtu.be/czeSbrXbb0g Me driving by and then being shot at/vehicle being shot at, whatever

https://youtu.be/ztbMy9m4VIw The harassment afterwards and "robbery," as well as them killing me after their "successful robbery"


  • Robbery
    You see a player in a town gathering supplies, you want those supplies! You approach him from behind and tell him to put his weapon away and stick his hands up.
    -The player does as you ask and drops his gear for you. You tell him to walk forward a few steps without turning around while you grab his gear.
    Once you have his gear, you get outta there.
    -The player turns around and starts to pull out a weapon, you open fire, killing him and scoring you some free gear anyway.

It might do some good to have some admins/moderators play on the servers, or to have the rules pop up once in a while in the server messages. 



Topic starter Posted : 30/11/2017 11:06 pm
Honorable Member

This is a good case which brings me a bit of an ethical dilemma than a rule dilemma:

I believe that intent is a clear part of the rules - I don't think their intent was to kill you while driving, but to incapacitate you from running away from the robbery that they were planning to do; if, let's say, you were going down the road w/ the Quad, and they started shooting (until exploding) up until they killed you, then yes, I'd be banning them right now. But it seems like this was a pretty solid case where the intent wasn't to kill you.

Then you stop to taunt them with the rules (which you should never do - if you want to prove disregard of the rules, don't do it via spewing up the rules, just follow their directions) and refused to follow their directions to run away; although it's debatable whether or not they can still kill you if they stop ordering you, I believe that it's inappropriate to discuss it like this as this is a very isolated case.

Thank you for reporting. No action will be taken, but the players will be warned about ordering in robberies.

Posted : 01/12/2017 2:51 am