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Honorable Member

Regardless of who said what, Fin isn't great buds with the staff and even if he was they'd still judge him appropriately. No special treatment. I don't understand the big deal about it. Even if Fin DID in fact say that he was friends with the staff doesn't make it true. He has talked to them often in the discord, but that does not make them friends. I trust the staff to come to a proper decision in this case but there is no relevance here for them being friends or not. There is also no proof only the words of some biased opinions and Bob. I would implore the administrators to see this case from an unbiased standpoint and treat it as any other, regardless of your opinion of the accuser and the accused. I have made my position on it undeniably clear, and I would ask Fin, Mrstealyogirl, Hitman, and anyone else who wishes to say anything here to say it in one paragraph and leave it at that so that we don't have anymore back and forth arguments. Give your sides, then let the judges decide. This is the last time I'll say anything.


Posted : 21/11/2017 4:52 pm
Estimable Member Customer

You know what mate, seeing as your tone has only changed since you've been banned. Keep the items, mate. If you'd have acted like this from the start I'd be a lot more inclined to back down / accept refund. But seeing as it's taken about 3 pages to even get a sorry from you, no thanks, mate. 

Topic starter Posted : 21/11/2017 5:01 pm
Fin Richards

Hi again, yesterday, i had a rather stressful day, and i'm apologise for any vulgar comments i made towards you or anyone else, you may disagree with anything i said but you have made such a big fuss about everything in the space of one day and when i actually try and cooperate with you, you back me down? That's rather ungrateful of you but if you feel this way i'm willing to understand. I will soon write a apologisation, being the bigger and more responsible person here and after that, hopefully we'll never have to cross paths again. As Potion said earlier, if a civilian walks in to a gunfight we're not going to stop shooting. I wasn't aware that you weren't involved and I guess that's my stupid fault. so i'm sorry for killing you and i will make an application now.

Posted : 21/11/2017 5:10 pm
Estimable Member Customer
Posted by: Fin Richards


Hi again, yesterday, i had a rather stressful day, and i'm apologise for any vulgar comments i made towards you or anyone else, you may disagree with anything i said but you have made such a big fuss about everything in the space of one day and when i actually try and cooperate with you, you back me down? That's rather ungrateful of you but if you feel this way i'm willing to understand. I will soon write a apologisation, being the bigger and more responsible person here and after that, hopefully we'll never have to cross paths again. As Potion said earlier, if a civilian walks in to a gunfight we're not going to stop shooting. I wasn't aware that you weren't involved and I guess that's my stupid fault. so i'm sorry for killing you and i will make an application now.



Why didn't you try and cooperate in the first place buddy

Topic starter Posted : 21/11/2017 5:28 pm
Fin Richards
The Friendly HitMan :D
Honorable Member

Aight I reviewed the whole video so 1st of all it was your stupidity MrStealYoGirl to enter in a "gunfight" between those groups of course when a gunfight starts they will kill anyone who was in the area because they don`t know who they are shooting with aside from their teammates if its a fight between groups the only thing they know is to kill anyone in the area who shot at them aside from their teammates when you landed at some point they didn`t know if your a teammate of them or not so it is normal for them to kill you, you shouldn`t have landed on the 1st place.

Posted : 22/11/2017 8:26 am
crazy bob
Honorable Member Customer

quote: Regardless of who said what, Fin isn't great buds with the staff and even if he was they'd still judge him appropriately. No special treatment. 

I have to come to the deffence of both Fin and Mysterion (aint that weird..)

The whole 'he's friends with the admin' was something that was said in chat when this whole mess started...

So it was said but not by Fin.

some other excerpts from those lovely minutes, enjoy..

I have the vid but didnt want to wast your time with it, if anyone really wants to relive this thing the way I saw it let me know.

P.S. Myst I have a new name suggestion for you mate: James de la tourette 😉

Bob out

Posted : 22/11/2017 8:41 am
The Friendly HitMan :D
Honorable Member

Thanks for the proof brother I`ll look into this case and If you can please upload the video and send it to me via steam or Discord thanks!

Posted : 22/11/2017 9:07 am

I'm so sick of ur reports u have one every day just shut up u lying piece of shit

Posted : 22/11/2017 9:17 am
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