I got banned from c...
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[Solved] I got banned from chernarus

Eminent Member

Hey so me and my friend was running around the map, out of nowhere an admin teleports me in vanish to watch me, and he was following me for a bit, and then he gets unvanished after a while and he was following me with a friend or so. The admin's friend said "hands in the air, don't turn around" And i turned around thinking they were robbing me so i killed them both, Because if you are getting robbed you can protect yourself, and i got banned without being able to explain myself and all that, and then me and the admin were having a argument at the discord and after a short while of arguing we got in a call and i explained myself and he understood what happend and he said he was going to unban me but i haven't been unbanned yet so i was wondering when i will. I was banned on Chernarus roleplay by the Admin "Crazy Bob" my ingame name is "SmokeTheJ"

Topic starter Posted : 23/04/2018 6:01 pm
crazy bob
Honorable Member Customer

Dude, you still talk about "the admins friend", after I explayned the situation to you at least 10 times I extended an olive branch to you, even after all the the baseless allegations you made yesterday. GTFO


Posted : 24/04/2018 7:49 am