Hunter1k's Ban Appe...
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Hunter1k's Ban Appeal (Better Worded)

Eminent Member Customer

 Hello, I am appealing a ban on whitelist.

I had been accused of offline raiding when because I had taken crops and only crops from a small camp. The crops were out in the open with no protection or barricades. Who wouldn't take food when they are dying from hunger and dehydration? Its the apocalypse right? I was told that other crates and things had been looted aswell. I was accused of this also, I swear on my life. I did not touch any crates but only crops. I was also accused of failRP and returning to my point of death. The failRP was me flying a plane perfectly and I will say that I forgot about failRP and it was my first 20 minutes online WL. Its hard to change that mindset from public everything to a whitelist server in 20 minutes. Is it not? I then had found a plane that floats on water and land and decided to attempt at flying it. Knowing that I had no experience flying planes I had crashed it multiple times. The plane also would not blow up or damage me so I decided to jump out. I was told that I had returned to my point of death. My death was inside a town, where as I had crashed on a road/field.

I believe that it is not a raid if your crops arent protected. I simply walked down a hill grabbed crops and left. How is that raiding when they are not protected? Along with returning to point of death, I wasn't near a town that I had died in.

My steam ID:


Topic starter Posted : 28/03/2018 8:54 pm
Reputable Member

Even if the crop stealing isn't looked as offline raiding, you still did failRP in 2 ways. First as you said you flew a plane and second of all was that you returned to the location where you had died, when you die in WL you don't remember your "past". 

You also say that "Its hard to change that mindset from public everything to a whitelist server in 20 minutes. Is it not?" If you know you would have problems with that, why even apply into white list? It's not too hard to get into WL if you really just read the rules and seems like you did not. 

Posted : 29/03/2018 2:00 pm

Yes totally. YOu only stole crops and all of D4s shit was stached away MAGICALLY in your base.

Posted : 29/03/2018 2:13 pm
Estimable Member

If ye steal all of his stuff, ye have completely just done an offline raid/no-rp-reason-raid. Maybe just take some of the stuff he leaves for survivors on the table, instead of taking everything he actually has to survive

Posted : 30/03/2018 12:04 am
Eminent Member Customer

@Daym I didnt return to location of death.... I wasnt even in a town just on a road....

@pimpcane I took crops if thats all his shit to you...

@retardedfox Table was empty, I decided to take crops, is dying of starvation and thirst not a rp reason to steal wut m8?

Topic starter Posted : 04/04/2018 4:08 am
Estimable Member

I checked at his place last time i was on the server (3 days ago) and all of his stuff was gone. If it is in your home, then i think you're maybe fawked. Changing from Public to Whitelist isn't really hard, since the only thing you need to remember is ye can't fly an air vehicle. Maybe also being able to steer a boat.
The only hard part on WL is to fight the zombies, if you only have played on the public servers, since the zombies on there is weak and not really hard to defeat.

Posted : 04/04/2018 11:48 am
Eminent Member Customer

I have his crops none of his other shit..


Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2018 3:05 am