Got banned for fail...
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Got banned for failrp

New Member

My name is Mootje.ko and i got banned again this time i got banned for failrp. 


What happend was that i robbed someone and they had a video. After they sended the video to the police i was wanted and getting arrested. When i was getting arrested i was going to prison. when i was in prison i was low on food and water so they gave me i drinked it then i told snow i am going to follow school, because  i have school on friday in the EU. so i was in school and after that i was watching my netflix series but then i saw i was going to die on my screen. Then i asked snow for food but i had a burger still in my backpack or smth but i was already on realy low hp because they didn't  heal me after i got shot. so i starved to death but my jailtime was already over so he wasn't mad or smth like i am gonna report you at first he was saying i need to pay 3k fine so i said can you do 2k+ but i did not got a respond so he went offline so i did not pay the fine. After like 2 hours or smth i dont know but after a while i was reporting diglett for kos then snow was joining and insulting me so i insult him back but i know and you know nexx and he knows that i don't like him and he doesn't like me. So after that i got a mute and i dm clipper it was all fixed we had spoken to each other we were cool. But then snow reports me for failrp that i didn't eat my burger or that i tried to starve to death what wasn't the case. i mean i already drinked and eat why would i try to kill my self if my sentence was already over it just doesn't make sense and he knows that. Thats why he wasn't reporting at first but reporting me after i the part that we were insulting each other. that's what happend.


Why i should get a second chance is that he didn't report me for the failrp he reporting me, because he does not like me in person he know i did nothing wrong but i had an argue with him he wants to get me banned and now he got what he want. With all the respect, but some of the admins does not think further then they see. As example they don't wan't to ask or see what happend before the 18 seconds or after the 18 seconds that he said i just needed to pay the fine no they don't think like that. I mean i never saw it that they did not think like that way. I am not gonna lie you are (nexx) the only one so far that i saw that you think about what happend before the video and after a video you are the only one that i see doing that. So i did not even wanted to start a discussion with the admin that reported me, because it wouldn't change everything and i think there is a reason that you nexx are most of the time answering the ban appeals. 



My purpose of this ban appeal is not all about getting unbanned it's ofc something i realy want to get, but not the first train of thought i want to get more listen ears like how you do and clipper. And i want to say that i realy liked the way how clipper was dealing the sitiuation with me and diglett you can say that to him i already told him. I'm hoping this will be the last ban appeal i need to make and not getting banned again people say in the netherlands first and last time but i will say second and last time:). I hope for a warm and fair respond.



I was banned from the nylex roleplay server.


This is my link to my steam profile:

This topic was modified 3 years ago by mootje.ko
Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2021 9:56 pm