chrispy ban appeal
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chrispy ban appeal

Active Member Customer

-What happened/why you were banne:This guy ran into are car and my freind jumped out and said get out witch then he kossed my freind.So i shot at himhe downed me and my other freind came and killed the kosser but a admin showed up and i thought it was his freind so i didnt know he was a admin and killed my team but sever crashed and i got reveired and killed the kosser and the admin witch again i didnt know he was admin so then i got put in a sit cause they thought we kossed them witch we showed them a clip of him vdming my freind and the admin said he got there late so he didnt know what happened but i got banned for rekosing the the dude who vdm my friend.
-Why you feel you should be unbanned/gave a second chance:Cause i didnt know rekossing was a rule so i thought killing the guys when i got back in sever when it crashed sloved them kosing us.
-What server you were banned from: Life#1
-A link to your steam profile:

Topic starter Posted : 27/06/2022 11:20 pm