Banned for 5 days
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Banned for 5 days

Reputable Member

-What happened/why you were banned: Kos
-Why you feel you should be unbanned/gave a second chance: I dont know who i kossed or when i kossed them it was a big situtation where sap and his gang took a hostage at cala bank and i didnt even know what was happening i was just body looting to be honset i didnt even have a gun to kill someone or harm them i was just going around and taking stuff after like 10m i was at mont talking to friends when i get 5 days ban for kos when im pretty sure i havent kossed anyone i just want to get the ban to 4 days atleast cuz i dont want to lose my stuff please or if this gets denied can i please see a video of me kosing cuz im sure i havent kossed anyone but if i did i want to say im sorry and woud like to get unbanned please 
-What server you were banned from: Life rp

-A link to your steam profile:

Topic starter Posted : 15/08/2022 3:09 pm