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3rd Ban appeal for cherno

Active Member Guest

so i was banned back in february and was really embarrassed about it so i lied about it and i know that really slimmed up my chances but i feel that i have greatly matured since then and i wasn't able to control my anger back then but now i can suppress it and wont kos outside a raid zone because i was mad and im really sorry and still embarresed about what i did but i just really wanna get my kits back and get back to playing cherno since all other unturned servers aernt like cherno its a unique map but ill get back on topic i was banned in febuary and have greatly matured since than and i was banned on cherno my steam url is   https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104056209/  and i know how badly k0s can affect a server and when/if i get unbanned i would love to help keep the server nice and pure for just good people and not kosers so yea i really hope you consider unbanning me and im sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart i am Very sorry for what i did and im very sorry for lying and being mean to the admin who banned me i was very immature back then
Thank you for your time 
Sincerely, Hotsaucehead

Topic starter Posted : 10/08/2018 2:59 am