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JamJagers whitelist application

New Member

How old are you?: 16

Are you somewhat fluent in speaking English?: fluent in english

Why do you want to join the whitelisted roleplaying community?: ive desired to play roleplay on unturned since first downloading the game but have found that unless you play on a whitelisted roleplay server you will always find people who will troll and mess up the comunity this is why i am applying for this server

Do you have a working microphone?: yes

Have you had any previous roleplaying experience? (if so we'd love to hear about it!): yes i have played on many a roleplay server but usually leave as there is always either new players or trollers trying to break roleplay. I have also played roleplay in other games such as arma 3, this evidence can be found on youtube.

Character background- Write a background for your character. Talk about how you ended up in the apocalypse and what sort of person your character is- try to keep things realistic: One day i woke up, shocked with what i could hear, at first i thought it was just lightning but then i heard the screams. Gunshots where going off outside, firing upon what looked like people but not people, they had bright red eyes which where unmissable through the dark night skies. I ran downstairs as quick as i could to grab my bag and my schofield out of my safe, i only had 23 bullets to go with, i ran to the garage unlocked the door and sped out of the garage in my jeep. I now live in the mountains not sure where, food is scarce but im surviving.

Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 25/08/2018 12:21 pm
Reputable Member

The Whitelist server is not currently open, we are working to make it a much better experience for the players, please reapply when the server is open, thanks!

Posted : 25/08/2018 6:26 pm