Toms staff Applicat...
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Toms staff Application

Active Member

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.):North Europe.

Tell us why you would make a good staff member and what you can do for the community:so ive been staff before and i can just do a couple trainings and get all of my old skills back and remember all of the commands again and rn i work as a dev so i have high rank in other servers so im used to being like enforcer of the rules ish and ive been playing unturned rp for like 3/4 years and this was actualy my first server i played on and now when im back i really want to become staff because ive been kosed/rdm 4 times and if i was staff i can enforce as a staff and i never see staff online so i could be useful being staff on the server and helping and i can work for free since i just want to help the server not really here for the money since i already get paid for being a dev. so like everyday im on theres a staff on like when its like 12pm for me and in the middle of the day everyone plays on the server and no calls for staff because they know they are not online and i can enforce a little rp in the server since i see people fail rp allot like some mic spam too. and i got about 1k hours on unturned.

How long have you been playing on servers (roughly): well i played it a while ago since this was my first server like about 3/4 years ago dont remember but ive recently started playing on the server for like 1 week

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Topic starter Posted : 16/08/2021 10:59 am

WHO ARE YOU???, never heard of you and I'm a pretty active player 

Posted : 16/08/2021 4:54 pm