Sap’s Staff Applica...
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[Solved] Sap’s Staff Application

Estimable Member

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.): Europe GMT+1

Tell us why you would make a good staff member and what you can do for the community: I think I can be a great addition to the Admin Team for numerous reasons: As a member of the Police Department and FBI, helping people is nothing new to me. Even if it’s just helping someone unstuck their car, I absolutely love making people happy and tending to them when they need help, that’s why I hope to join the Admin Team to further help people out. Nobody will be left alone helpless on my watch. I aim to combat the rising toxicity in LifeRP, always keep my eye out for any rule breakers and take care of them accordingly, and carefully investigate potential ban-evading cases. Ever since I joined PD, I’ve seen so many more cases of people FailRP’ing or KOSing right before my eyes, not being able to do much about it. In terms of moderation, I have some general experience when it comes to Unturned Commands, I will always refrain from abusing my power or being biased no matter the circumstances.

How long have you been playing on servers (roughly): I have approximately 400 hours of playtime over the span of 4 months.

Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 03/11/2021 1:37 pm
Reputable Member Customer

+rep  helps around, behaves well, not really much to say. Seems to be good candidate 🍸 

Posted : 03/11/2021 4:33 pm

kinda stupid


Posted : 03/11/2021 4:55 pm