Parker Lin's staff ...
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Parker Lin's staff application

Active Member Customer

What is your region? North America 

Tell us why you would make a good staff member and what you can do for the community: I Personally think I would make a great addition to the staff team for the Life RP because I'm always looking out and willing to answer any questions new players may have a to help them with the game. The things I can provide to the community and the server are quick and detailed responses and being able to get to players in need of a staff member very quickly and help them with their needs. I have worked in the past in LIFE RP servers such as Pegasus Life RP, Cytris Life RP and Surge Life RP  as a rising Helper all the way to admin in under a short time span of two months due to my activeness and impact in those servers. With that said it also brings me to say that I am very experienced with the role staff in Unturned as I know all the permissions and the rules and power granted to when given the privilege's to being a Staff member, I can tell from right to wrong in situations and I can analysis RP situations. I can tell you that I am ready to face the many challenges it takes to be staff and the time I will have have to put in to gain respect from the community. Thank you for your time 

How long have you been playing on servers I've been playing for roughly give or take a Month and a half now. 

Hours on Unturned -774.5 Hrs.

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This topic was modified 2 years ago by hyphade
Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2022 5:13 am