crxo's staff applic...
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crxo's staff application

Eminent Member Customer

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.): North America

Tell us why you would make a good staff member and what you can do for the community: I think I should be in the staff team because I would be very helpful, I personally always help when I can either in support or in the server itself, I help new players and give them kind of a head start by handing them money or showing them around. I have been in Pd for a little, then left Pd for personal reasons. I know all of the rules, so if I was in the staff team, I would know what to enforce and what not to. I have played for a while and think if I was in the staff team, I could improve the server at least by a little.

How long have you been playing on servers (roughly):  Roughly a year I started at the end of 2020 and its 2022

Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 09/07/2022 4:49 am
Xavier reacted
Active Member

+ rep, Xcrxo has played on this server for a long time. When I first joined he was the one to help me get on my feet when not even the cops would.

Posted : 09/07/2022 4:53 am