Pablo's staff app
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Pablo's staff app

Eminent Member

What is your username on Discord: pabloo6690

Link to your steam profile:

Tell us about yourself: Started playing in early 2021 just for fun and for enjoyment and became pd as well as swat. After 6-7 months of consistently playing, I took a break and came back after 2 years. After I came back, I didn't have much to do as i already done most things , so I started helping players around as well as helping friends. I play most days of the week, however I do put my study's over games, so if I have important exams I will prioritise my study's. Many of the community know me, however I have come back after a couple of years so all players are new to me however I have gained trust from many new players. I like helping people, and just overall making the community better and I know what people want and how to respond to problems/situations. 

Why should we consider you to be a staff member for our network?: Many people trust me and know I mean well, also I used to be swat this shows the trust that has been put on me. Many staff now, know me and used to play with me a couple of years ago. Also I genuinely like helping people and players, and making sure that they have a better time on the server as I know, how hard it can be for new players on a highly populated rp server. I will also consistently help people on discord and in game. Also I want to bring fun to the server as I know how boring the server can be sometimes.

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.): Europe - GMT+1

Do you have recording software/s that work? Yes, medal and GeForce experience if needed.

How many hours a week can you moderate the servers? (Pick between >1 to 10+) 10+ hours a week 

When did you start playing our Unturned servers? (roughly): Early 2021, around February/January 

When did you join the Nylex Discord server? June 05, 2020

Have you moderated Unturned/Discord servers before? No 

Addition : do not have mic, however I can still help people, and overall make the server better. 

Thank you for reading my staff app, and I hope you have a good day. <3

Topic starter Posted : 07/07/2023 12:23 am
Reputable Member Customer

fair candidate, fly to the stars bb!

Posted : 12/08/2023 10:58 am