Nol's staff app.
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Nol's staff app.


What is your username on Discord: sleeepynol

Link to your steam profile:

Tell us about yourself: Heyo, my name is Riley, I'm a transfem and I'm 18- also long time player on the server. I enjoy the community and the fun and wacky stuff that comes from it, even if it is the most random nonsense you can think of.

Why should we consider you to be a staff member for our network?: I still know the ins and outs of the rules with an in-depth understanding of certain situations, gaining the rank of admin twice, with no demotions nor warnings . I was constantly active with bans appeals, and helping the community. Still now I'm active in support, and helping new players constantly when they ask question being trusting and open. I have a good understanding of basic Unturned mechanics, also with errors and fixing errors and general troubleshooting skills.

I used to be very player-engaging, hosting events and spending hours at night due to my sleeping issues messing around with the community and being constantly engaged. I ran gangs hub up until when I left by on my own accord. I know first hand the struggles and challenges they face and how tiring it can be. I strive to create and safe and friendly environment with no tolerance to anything that actively endangers and or challenges the safety of users in the community making users feel valued and heard. When at my peak when I was constantly active and my mental was in check, people trusted me to mess around with them- I had people actively engaging me throwing out their normal LifeRP activities just to take part in my events or just for me to mess around with them because of the level of trust I used to have in the community.

I do realise back before I left staff my mental health was really bad, I got very tired of just life in general and stopped caring about the community and was actively aggressive to people for no recognisable reason and upon realising this I left staff so that I wouldn't leave a bad impression of what the staff team is about. But after considerable time, my mental health has significantly improved and I have matured within myself- even Nexx has recognised this and promptly started calling me more boring.

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.): Europe, GMT+0.

Do you have recording software/s that work?: Yes, Medal and OBS.

How many hours a week can you moderate the servers? (Pick between >1 to 10+): 6+ hours.

When did you start playing our Unturned servers? (roughly): October 2019.

When did you join the Nylex Discord server?: October 2019.

Have you moderated Unturned/Discord servers before?: I've been staff on Nylex's servers for two years previously.

What was the name and size of the server/s you previously moderated?: Nylex's.

Topic starter Posted : 23/08/2023 7:42 pm
Eminent Member

+Rep , already has been staff and has been consistently helping people out. 

Posted : 24/08/2023 3:17 am
Reputable Member Customer

Not much to say, can't really see a reason why not


Posted : 24/08/2023 7:51 am
Estimable Member

just not nice would no -rep

Posted : 24/08/2023 11:17 pm
Estimable Member

Sorry but I'd have to disagree

Posted : 29/08/2023 9:14 pm