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Living Retard's staff app

Living Retard
Active Member

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.):Europe, Italy
Tell us why you would make a good staff member and what you can do for the community:Unlike what my name suggests, I think I am capable of being a staff member, I am reasonable  I already am used to help new people on the server and on the discord and i am fairly active; while i don't have experience moderating a big server such as this one, I do know the rules and how they should be applied and i am ready to learn anything that i may have to. I have never been banned and i have helped quite a few people on the server and i feel that as a staff i would help make the community a better place; I have general knowledge about unturned and rocket commands.

How long have you been playing on servers (roughly): basically since when Life RP's map first updated in 2020
Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 13/04/2023 12:31 pm