Dmitriy's staff app...
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Dmitriy's staff application 2.0

Active Member Customer

I've made a staff app year ago (it still exist), it was so shitty that I need to remaster it, so, here we go, and straight to the point.


Region : South East Asia

Reason that I'll be a good staff member : I've started playing (almost) precisely 1 year ago, yet a lot of Chaos has happened when I'm online (nighttime for Britain since timezone), less staff were online at that time, and the most powerful player would hunt down a new player and straight up KOS them since there's no staff online and considering that they won't record. Getting an admin 24/7 Is a hard job, but I would like to help it by reducing problems with KOS. Since I'm able to make some costums object (Bofors Autocannon and CIWS at the Militia, and the Naval cannon and the SAM Site at the FOB). I would like to get more involved to like some background stuff

How long you've been playing in the servers : almost a year, and could stack up to more than 400+ hours, not included in Unturnov

Steam Profile:

P.S. A regards from the map devs

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Dmitriy
Topic starter Posted : 28/01/2020 7:36 am
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