Sniper Goods (Shop ...
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Sniper Goods (Shop 3)

Dr. Twisted
Active Member

Id like to own a Shop on the Chernarus Map. The Shop id like to own is called "Shop 3" underneath the bar. The items ill be selling in this shop are Modded and Vanilla Sniper Rifles which cannot be obtained or purchased by any NPC as well as the appropriate attachment for these rifles such as bipods, suppressors and rangefinders. I will also be selling items which fall into the main theme and idea of this shop such as flares and binoculars and ghillie suits as this suits the sniper theme and do not go too far into other category's which other shops sell since I don't want to seem like another common plain gunshop. The reason I think you should accept me is because I am active everyday since im rather addicted to the game and with my 2300+ hours on unturned I can assure you that I understand the general rules of owning a shop since they are fairly similar to other rules on different servers and because ive read them twice to make sure. -Steam Profile

Topic starter Posted : 07/06/2019 8:02 pm