Shop #16 Located at...
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Shop #16 Located at Chernarus, Dunkertown.

James Money boi
New Member Customer

-What server you'd like a shop on (and the name of the safezone if there are multiple)? Chernarus at Dunkertown.
-Shop number on that server #16
-Why you think you would be a good shop owner? Because I used to play on roleplay servers and semi-roleplays like this and I used to own shops at safezones sell stuff and I think I'd be a nice shop owner because I'd make sure everything I sell is valuable and good enough to sell and I'd always make sure that I sell good enough stuff like lockers, beds, etc. 
-What theme you'd like your shop to be? A furniture shop
-Make sure you have read and understand the shop rules. Yes I have readed the rules of owning a shop and understood them.
-A link to your Steam profile:

and one thing I made the other my clothing shop application private because I just noticed they're easy to find and one guy has a clothing store already so yeah.

Topic starter Posted : 28/09/2019 11:01 pm
Trusted Member Customer

You can not have a General type shop, selling different types of items "lockers, beds, etc. " if you did sell stuff like that you should have put "Furniture type Shop" would be acceptable but putting etc. and " I'd make sure everything I sell is valuable and good enough to sell" tells the admins your going to sell anything witch is like I said a General  type store, witch is not allowed, therefor this would not get accepted, but I'm not a admin so I don't know how they will deal with this. 




This post was modified 5 years ago 3 times by Qyl
Posted : 29/09/2019 2:04 am

Jack is wrong. Your store is not a  general store. We do really need a furniture shop in sz so I hope you get accepted!

Posted : 29/09/2019 4:17 pm
Trusted Member Customer

If you didn't read "lockers, beds, etc. " if you did sell stuff like that you should have put "Furniture type Shop"

Posted : 29/09/2019 4:46 pm