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Fisher Cinderfall: Terrible Admin?

New Member

 In the map Chernarus, run by Nylex, this one particular admin has broke the barriers of trust and honor within the system of the game. Not only did this admin give unfair warnings or no warnings at all, but he banned a player for absolutely no reason at all. This admin is Fisher Cinderfall. It is odd to me that this admin is NEVER, and i say never, on the server but has the audacity to get on without knowing what was going on and giving random and unfair warnings to a group of players. Cinderfall has said "I have not come here to discuss" as he joins the server which is quite confusing because to me, an admins job when dealing with this type of issue is to see both sides of th story (especially when this admin has no type of evidence). He then proceeds to ignore other players calling for his help which i also believe is not a good trait for an admin. Cinderfall, annoyed and frustrated, decided to put the ban hammer down on a player for NO LEGITIMATE REASON. His "reason" was, "[He] has no time for this clown fiesta". This quote from this abusive admin provides evidence that he does not take the time to investigate the issue, very much as if he does not care at all. He also threatens a group of players with "one warning and then its an autoban" due to false accusations. Cinderfall accuses the group of KOS, but little did he know it was only fair play. The group then asks him "Is raiding allowed?" followed by "Is KOS allowed in Raids?". The admin responds with "I SAID YES 3 TIMES". The admin, Cinderfall, clearly has a short temper and gets aggrivated quickly. The group of players were evidently raiding, but the admin did not seem to care about their statement. Overall, Cinderfall does not deserve to be an admin on behalf of most players. #JusticeForChicken

Topic starter Posted : 16/12/2017 10:10 am