Server Suggestion
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Server Suggestion

Long Live Nikolai
Estimable Member

Realizing that in the years playing in this community and others. I know now that Nylex and such other Unturned Youtubers need their videos to keep their servers alive. The very same situation can be applicable to Cherno. I’m suggesting that Nylex is to give a new type of server a try. World War Three Russia vs USA. Understanding that World War Two server already died and that is partially form other reasons such as performance, World War Three server has great potential. The player base is much more interested in World War Three than two. I myself have been in such communities and have noticed that they’re extremely full beyond capacity without any need for outside help such as YouTube videos. I know that it is capable of Nylex to make such a server. The only reason some World War Three servers don’t work is because of unorganization and no regular maintenance. There is typically only two servers that have made it so far and I think Nylex would have a beautiful shot at making it the most popular seeing how he has down already. In addition there is no need to worry about mods or maps, many big curators have already been focusing on such military mods and frequently update them with no issues at hand. I realize this community moves very slow and it is very hard for them to accept ideas, but I hope Nylex gives it consideration. It might be another thing to add to his plate but he can easily pass it off to his staff. Lots of the community members do not enjoy Life Roleplay, so I hope that there can be another server added where I don’t play with kids who are still in cribs.

Topic starter Posted : 12/01/2021 7:46 pm