A solution to the b...
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A solution to the base raid problem

Bill Nye
Eminent Member

I know there was a thread about this before but i thought i would bring it up. As we all know simple bases only last hours until found and even the best of bases cant last more then a day so they only way to make it last more then a day is for it to be hidden but then its a pain in the a** to get to it etc. and even then they only last a day or two. Now nylex please please please take this into considerstion Increase the structure health to atleast 250 or 300 % because people with kits that have matas dragons c4 etc will blow through even the best of bases so making such a increase will make people have to stock pile there supplies before raiding not just jumping out of a car and wiping the alpha clans base with the simple /kit so making them have to stockpile would make people have to trade to get the supplies also and would make it where i could have a normal base that would last a decent amount of time. I really hope this is taken into consideration and this would be the best thong that has happend to the servers yet! 


- Ka chow

Topic starter Posted : 12/03/2017 7:52 am
Illustrious Member Admin

Hey, we have got plans to increase the structure health already, just getting round to doing it, thanks!:D

Posted : 12/03/2017 11:53 am
Bill Nye
Eminent Member

Ok that sounds great! can we get confirmation when it will be done?

Topic starter Posted : 12/03/2017 3:58 pm