Terry Beef destroye...
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Terry Beef destroyed vehicle while in SZ

Active Member Customer

Terry beef was in the safe zone and while i was selling my stuff he destroyed my vehicle that i took a lot of time to get he then amitted to it by saying he destroyed my car and then walks arround the safezone pleading people for food and guns and says he will report them if he doesnt get his stuff.

Topic starter Posted : 03/08/2018 7:32 am
Reputable Member

Please read the "how to report a player" before you report someone. You are missing the players steamid and proof of him breaking the rule(s).

With the current information you have given us, the staff team can't do anything.

Next time you're reporting someone please read this.  https://www.unturnedroleplay.com/community/reports/how-to-report-a-player-read-before-posting/


Posted : 03/08/2018 8:08 am