RDM'd by Ayane Mari...
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[Solved] RDM'd by Ayane Mariko

Active Member

-Name of player/admin you are reporting Ayane Mariko
-What happened/why you are reporting the person Killed for no reason after having people Tp to him to be police.
-State what server this happened on Canada RP
-If you can provide any other info (offenders steam profile, video, screenshots etc.) that is very very helpful!



Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2018 5:00 pm
Fin Richards

From what I hear, this is all a misunderstanding. Apparently your items were returned safely so just try and stay away from potential threats

Posted : 18/03/2018 5:28 pm
The Friendly HitMan :D
Honorable Member

I got killed by one of the guys outside which is KOS but I didn't record so no use, then I decided to TP back to Roope who is inside the station to kill the guy who killed me, yet suddenly there were 3 of you which means idk who killed me so I decided to kill you all, but then didn't you tped back to me and got all of your gear? it was an misunderstanding and yes I killed you all who has a gun equipped since I see you all as a threat cuz idk who is killed me and you all might be teaming 🙂 

Posted : 18/03/2018 5:28 pm
The Friendly HitMan :D
Honorable Member

If ya didn't got your loot I'll give it tomorrow maybe because there were 2 of you who I tp'ed back.

Posted : 18/03/2018 5:30 pm
Active Member

No @Fin, he did it a second time. 

Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2018 5:36 pm
Fin Richards

Well without any evidence of a second time I can't do much. I'm locking this thread because in my eyes it is resolved.


Posted : 18/03/2018 5:48 pm