KOS:ed by hauntedpl...
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KOS:ed by hauntedplayer9

New Member Customer


I got KOS att Williams' Encampment, I was lurking behind building to not get spotted, and then he ran to the building i was hiding behind, and then he ran up on the roof and spotted me, I did not shoot or pose a threat to him or anything like that, then he just shoot me without any warning or making me aware thay robbed me or anything (he did not rob me), he hade a microphone becuse I heard him talking to someone else before I got killed, so he was able to warn me before he killed me.

I have 1 screenshoot of his name and it shows that im dead, and i also have a recording 10 minuts long before he killed me (I shortened it so you don't need to spend 10 minuts watching), So i hope that will help you guys to get my stuff back and warn him or something like that. Thanks!

here is his profil:  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198379711358/





Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b842qR2NxEM

Topic starter Posted : 02/08/2018 4:01 pm