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[Solved] KOS #3

New Member Customer

Name of reported player: xdnovation128

Steam profile link:

So, a quick background. xdnovation128, or 'xd', had shot and killed another user named Ling Ling on the server only a few minutes(possibly an hour?) before the accident. I spoke to each of them, trying to solve the issue without more KOS, and concluded- on my own- that xd was in the fault in this KOS case. I am not an admin and couldn't do anything, but it kept further issues from arrising. However, xd was not very happy about this outcome- I was calling him out on something he didn't like. So, I went AFK for a bit, and then I came back and decided to head out of the safezone and get some loot. As I was leaving north out of the safezone, or SZ, I saw xd sitting atop a structure. I pulled out my gun, spoke to him for a second, but he never responded. I continued on, thinking nothing of it; I just left the SZ, and he didn't say anything, so he's not trying to rob me. I take out my chainsaw after and start to destroy some of the baracades that have been on the road here for a long time that were annyoing, and while I was destroying them, I was shot in the back of the head multiple times without any warning, as he loots most of my items, refuses to say anything, and then hides in the SZ to keep me from getting my items back.

This happened on the Cherneus Roleplay Server.

Link to a recording:
My OBS was messed up and I sadly did not catch any audio. However, I think the footage speaks for itself. The first cut is just of my items I had prior to me going AFK, the most recent I had, incase that is needed.

Topic starter Posted : 12/03/2019 5:26 pm
crazy bob
Honorable Member Customer

Thnx for reporting! Sorted.


Posted : 13/03/2019 12:20 pm