I have been KOS'd
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I have been KOS'd

New Member Customer

At 1900 in Chernarus RP me and my friend were gathering loot from random areas. we were not in a KOS zone as we were under geared and were not stupid enough to enter said zones. During the said gather, night rolled over and me and my friend were fighting a boulder zombie when we heard a few sniper shots, most likely hawkhound. We dismissed it as a player nearby killing zombies. Moments later me and my friend were both killed by said player named "me love but sex" <- I swear that's his name. After which he looted our bodies and left the area. I presume anyways. I hope this issue can be resolved. 

Topic starter Posted : 13/03/2018 2:14 am
Estimable Member Customer

Get me a steam64 and I can ban this person

Posted : 13/03/2018 2:20 am