Adapting my previou...
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Adapting my previous Whitelist character Kurt Pittman

Big Smo
Estimable Member Customer

I decided to revamp my character's backstory but keep his name since I really like it.

Kurt Pittman had graduated college with a degree in Filmmaking, with a minor in Fine Arts, and ran Cross Country in college although he wasn't too good. He spent some time working as an intern for film companies, and then working odd jobs, like construction, driving a bus, and waiting tables. During this time he learned basic skills at all those jobs but wasn't a master by any means. Eventually he decided to settle down, and went back to a full-time internship at a film company, later becoming a staff writer for a TV show. While Kurt had been fairly left-leaning throughout college his experience in the workplace caused him to adopt anarchist beliefs and to become interested in organizing and activism. Previously mild-mannered, he became more outspoken. One day while attending a protest with friends, one of his friends was attacked by a white supremacist and severely injured. Kurt's confidence was damaged and he became more withdrawn, but he attended therapy for a time and his friends supported him, so he was eventually able to recover his confidence and sense of humor. However, he decided to be more cautious, and also purchased a small, concealable pistol, and took lessons with it, in addition to first-aid training and some basic survival and camping skills that were also on offer at the training school, and he had always wanted to learn more about the outdoors. Kurt was at this point one of the senior writers for the TV show and was making decent money, not millionaire level, but enough for a large-ish apartment in the center of the city and some nicer clothes and food, and the occasional vacation. On one of these vacations he decided to visit Chernarus which might have been a bad idea due to his anarchist leanings and political activism, but he checked with the State Department and it seemed safe enough. He left his pistol behind and left for Chernarus, and was there a few weeks when the crisis started. He tried to get to the embassy but was unable to, and the last plane left without him. He tried to put aside the thoughts that he'd never see his friends, family, or cat again so he could focus on surviving, and set off for the countryside. Luckily he knew the language acceptably, otherwise he would have been a dead man. With all the trauma it took him some time to realize that if there was ever a time to form an anarchist society, it was now. The previous systems had collapsed and disappeared, and so he founded his faction, the Collective Commune. At this point it was just him despite its lofty name, but Kurt started looking for people to join him.


Topic starter Posted : 06/11/2018 2:24 am
Trusted Member Customer

It's not bad; however, you need to get into the habit of formatting instead of presenting a large wall of text.


Also, try to focus on what your character can't do. Because it just seems like he is a jack of all trades, and while this isn't a bad thing, it just leaves a kind of weird taste in my mouth.


Finally, Chernarus was a former Soviet Satellite State. It's mostly rural. I get it that your character enjoys the outdoors and camping, but that entire spill might be saved for Ural Mountains or the Yukon maps. Perhaps a better way of saying this is that you were travelling in a bus and got stranded in Chernarus. 



Posted : 06/11/2018 4:31 am
Big Smo
Estimable Member Customer

I think I'm going to drop the bus driver plot point since even if he knew how to drive a bus, he couldn't drive a tank still, and maybe instead of working construction, his dad did work around the house and he helped so he has basic familiarity with tools and could build a little shack, but nothing too grand. I do kind of want him to be a "decent at everything, really good at nothing" kind of character as I feel like that fits me, I'm not particularly talented in any field but I am good at working hard to get to an average skill level. Could you clarify what your point was about the outdoors parts? The idea in my head was that he signed up for a kind of "tactical" school and while looking through the course booklet, he saw the basic outdoors classes and decided to sign up for those too. Although maybe he could have just had parents who took him on hikes a lot, and he gained little tidbits of information, enough to build a decent fire with matches and pitch a tent, but not like a special forces mountain man level of wilderness skill.

Topic starter Posted : 07/11/2018 2:33 am