The Church of After...
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The Church of After ((FactionRP Russia. coming soon to other maps))

The Alchemist
Active Member

The Church of After: The Calling

After the fall of the Federation and the rest of the world, the battle-hardened few who remained sought purpose in this new world. With renewed hope came new religions. Some twisted and evil, some benevolent to a fault. They warred for a time and argued at meetings. Then one voice rang out louder than the others. A strange, eccentric, masked man with a kind but firm demeanor spoke out with passion. He stated his ideas of common sense law and order. At the end of this particular Summit outside of Stalingrad, the masked man was named the first Paragon of the newly formed Church of After. It would follow a lesson in history from the Catholic church, which survived millennia. The other tribal leaders did not know the true temperament of the man behind the mask...perhaps his agenda is not as righteous as they were led to believe.

Nevertheless, the Church was formed and the Paragon was at the helm of the first religion in the new world. The next objective was to fill the ranks of the clergy and zealots (military), and to spread the ideals of the Church to the barbarians of the land. The first matter at hand is trade, lots of it, accumulating wealth and power and sway is a key to survival before and after the fall.

Recruitment is OPEN! Reply to this thread in the following format:

Age: in real life


Backstory: I'd love to read it! This is a required field!

Character Name: (Casey Mcgibbon, Ru Paul, John're in-character name)

Character Physical description:

Why you want to join the Church and position desired:



The Church of After: The Inquisition



Feel free to message me in game anytime!




Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2017 4:37 am
Nylex reacted