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General Lemon

Reputable Member Customer

 General Lemon was a proud member in the American army. He fought in Afghanistan, and even saved some of his mates from getting shot. He returned to the United States after suffering a fatal shot to the thigh. Lemon loved his family, couldn't stop thinking about them when he was away. He had many things to love; his dog, wife, children, and even his hobbies. One time, he took his children to Six flags, and a woman in front of him vomited in his face! This was a moment that his family would never forget. Despite his life being mainly happy moments, he also had some sad ones, everyone does. From losing his friend after he sacrificed himself to protect him, to losing his family when the outbreak happened, these are moments he will never forget.



General Lemon's Log

Day: August 26 Time: 17:35 Mission: Invade Scorpion-7

Today was the day we found out Scorpion-7 has been testing kidnapped victims with their new virus called "Dz-4" which brought the undead to life, by killing the host and turning them into lifeless beings. We were on our way as Alpha team has set up the perimeter and were getting ready to invade. When we arrived, things did not go according to plan. Later, we heard screams coming from inside and Alpha team started to move in, little did they know, this would cost them their lives. We got intel that one of their patients escape containing the virus and gave it to everyone inside scorpion, including our Alpha team. I commanded the rest of Bravo team to eliminate the rest of the virus and hold positions.

Day: August 26 Time: 18:53 Mission: Get My Family OUT

This was bad, Bravo team has gotten infected, and I started racing back to the military base to inform my higher ups about the outbreak. They did some research and told me the virus has spread to Tacoma. They put the state of Washington in the state of national emergency and told residents to evacuate ASAP. As my family was getting ready, I started up the car only to know that the battery died. I informed my family saying that we'll have to go in one of them military transport trucks, and that it was our only option of escape besides walking. My wife decided we should stay and get some rest before we leave tomorrow. Knowing that she's "always right" I had to agree and we headed off to bed.

Day: August 27 Time: 6:36 Mission: Trapped

I woke up to growls and screams...I ran to my children's bedroom and found my daughter screaming as my son got mauled by zombies. The unthinkable just happened. I quickly got my shotgun and killed the zombies mauling my son. When I checked to see if he was OK, he attempted to bite me and I had to shoot him in the face, killing him cold blood. A part of me died seeing my son's life end (again). I cried, until my wife saw what happened and passed out. I knew what I had to do, get to high ground. I grabbed all the food in the kitchen, along with extra clothing for the rest of my family and ran to the tallest apartment building. There I was able to locate helicopters in case they were looking for survivors. When my wife woke up, she started to cry her self to death about the loss of our son. I told her that "it'll be OK, he's in a better place now," and started to look out for any remaining survivors. Seattle has become a zombie town.

Day: September 1 Time: 12:34 Mission: We MUST leave now.

Seattle is gone. Only the zombies were the remains of a once thriving city. I must evacuate my family into the forest as the exit tunnels were blown up to contain the virus. I knew that it wasn't contained, and that someone on the evacuation buses/trucks had to have the virus. With haste, I told my family that we're leaving now, and I cleared the way of zombies for them. I heard crying, I asked my daughter what's wrong, but by the looks of her face, and my wife's, they were hungry. I forgot we ate up all the rations that I brought and we were on an empty stomach. Luckly, we saw a Publix ahead of us, so we went in and started looting. I found an abundance of food and cooking materials. Pasta, crackers, and bread to pots and pans. We were in a food heaven. Until, I heard screams. Like my son, I found my wife and daughter getting devoured, not by zombies, but by... CANNIBALS?! I didn't know there were Humans alive let alone them resorting to cannibalism. I swiftly shot them both...and cried. I cried...and cried..."This is not the end" I said, "This is far from over." I mourned, then left, trying to forget about that unforgettable occurrence that scared me, for life.

Day: December Time: ??? Mission: ???

I have no plan, but to try and overcome this collapse of the world. Unite the remaining survivors, and save this world. For my family, and for the greater good of humanity. May God help us all. 

Topic starter Posted : 07/09/2017 10:45 pm
MrRawr reacted
Noble Member

General Lemon. Such a nice name.

Posted : 08/09/2017 11:58 am
Honorable Member

A part of me died seeing my son's life end (again).


Posted : 08/09/2017 12:36 pm
MrRawr reacted