jackson unban reque...
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jackson unban request

Trusted Member

What happened/why you were banned i have been banned for 4 months now and it is 1 year all together i meant to be banned for but i was banned for old private dms with was me selling a Gilly suit before they were banned and i said i was sorry and tolled the admins who i sold it to then i was just banned and at this point i had not played for 2 weeks and then i was just banned 
-Why you feel you should be unbanned/gave a second chance i feel i should be unbanned as it has been a very long time and i want to join the server again i also sold the item before it was blacklisted and i had no idea i just robbed a cop and the dropped it for some reason i assumed it was from the credits but i was wrong i also want to play the new update with my friend and try new things like being a cop if i can be to try a new leaf in my Esperance on the server as i have always played as part of a gang or doing some sort of illegal activity so i am exited to try new thing with my old friends so please expect my request for unbanning   

-What server you were banned from life rp 
-A link to your steam profile   https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199221783706/    

Topic starter Posted : 06/05/2023 12:00 pm