I've been banned bu...
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I've been banned but deserve a second chance.

New Member

I've been banned and it's totally my fault. I accused someone of KOS because the police officer looked like the killer. I accused him, things got crazy and I accidentally punched him because I got too close. After that, I was so done with all these annoying kids that I left but the cop wanted to arrest me for punching him. I did fall to RP but I wasn't thinking in the moment and also didn't think it was an RP. It's all a misunderstanding and wish for a second chance. If I fail another RP I will take full responsibility and take an even harsher punishment. 


PS. I was banned from the RP server and my steam is https://steamcommunity.com/id/Liboy12gamerYT/

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Liboy12gamerYT
Topic starter Posted : 06/02/2022 3:40 am