Irrelevant's ban ap...
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Irrelevant's ban appeal

New Member

-What happened/why you were banned: so last night I was online so I decided to mess with Colour, so as me and my friend were setting stuff up he walks to my friends house and  walk up to him gun out and everything and i say in my little squeaker joking voice "put your hands up this is a robbery"  he then immediately starts shooting at me, a couple minutes later around 10 I talk to him and is like "this is in self defense" once again in a jokingly squeaking voice I then stab him not knowing it would kill him I then say "sorry I didn't know it was gonna kill you" and then a couple minutes later i get banned for KOS.

-Why you feel you should be unbanned/gave a second chance: i feel like i should get unbanned for a false ban, but honestly I know Colour was doing his job and all. but like I didn't mean to kill him he was low and i was joking i stabbed him.

-What server you were banned from i was banned from the Life RP server

-A link to your steam profile

Topic starter Posted : 22/11/2021 8:46 pm
Robert O Flanko

Due to this being your first ban I will give you a second chance. Unbanned, Please read the rules so this doesnt happen again. Dont go around right clicking people with a knife even if its meant to be a joke, Some staff (Colourinq) cant take those. Thank you!

Posted : 23/11/2021 8:37 am