I was Banned for ex...
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I was Banned for exploiting.

Active Member

First off I was not aware that Doing The glitch Was counted as exploiting as it did not require any external Programs, however I should of asked an Admin about that in the first place, I am extremely apologetic about my actions, And I will Never do a glitch or exploit again and if I am not sure if it is allowed or not I will make sure to Ask an Admin next time, thank you for taking the time to read my appeal, I am very disappointed that I did this without asking anyone if it was allowed or not and I would completely understand a wipe and permanent blacklist from pd as even though I wasn't aware that what I  was doing was bannable and if am not unbanned is there any chance it could be a certain amount of time rather than permanently as I would love to play and enjoy the server again. I have been banned for close to a year now and would greatly appreciate a second chance.


I was banned of Life RP



Topic starter Posted : 25/10/2023 6:39 pm