I was banned and i ...
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I was banned and i believe it was not justified pls help.

Lil Uzi Vert
Trusted Member Customer

Hello so i am quite a well know play in the community know as Lil Uzi Vert, I used to run with a notorious gang and we used to run around and rob the whole server acquiring as much loot as possible, we stopped playing the server a while back because it was dead and so i took a few months off from the server, keep mind me and my suppose toxic gang have built several safe zone towns to try and create trading and rp but that seems to go unnoticed because are good at pvp. I recently started playing again and i really wanted the server to get repopulated so I was not in the group and i was not robbing people at all i helped two large clans called the oceaseside police place and klebs 4 man clan. I assited them by giving them insane materials and lots of assistance. Which I believe they will vouch for my behavior and that i am not a toxic player. But the reason i got banned I am not quite sure because in the video of the post  https://youtu.be/lAp777laAEY?t=2m6s  in this video you can see that we encounter a sedan while landing for gas for our heli. My teamate jumped out and shot at the heli which is apparently agaisnt the rule but he thought it was legal to initiate like that, i asked Koli after the incident and he said it was not allowed so i told my friend. Anyway in the video you can see that he drives back to try and fight us and he goes behind the rocks and hides for a good min in a half keep in mind that i have yet to fire a shot and i think that he is gone because it has been so long. He then comes from behind us and sprays us with an lmg and I snipe him in the head after he shot me and then i get banned for kos. pls help

Topic starter Posted : 01/12/2017 3:26 am
Active Member Customer

Uzi has helped me and my group so much. It has come to my understanding that he was banned for "Toxicity" although it appears to be for KOS. Regardless, Uzi is not toxic in any way, shape or form, and anytime that I have seen him kill someone, it was with good reason. Uzi seems to be one of the more genuine people on the server and also helpful. A majority of the time, people I come across kill me or attempt to. Uzi is the polar opposite and frankly, he is very deserving to be on this server.

Posted : 01/12/2017 3:37 am
New Member Customer

Hi everyone, Sentinel.07 here trying to voice my opinion. I am part of the many clans on the server, Ark Sentalia. I would like to say that I reviewed the video and that the ban is highly unjustified. I do not say this because I am a friend of Uzi, but that the video clearly shows who was wrong. Uzi and his crew has done many things to keep the server up and going. He had also helped multiple clans in the server, such as Ark Sentalia and Oceanside (one of our allies). Though we do have our ups and downs within the server, nothing would ever be the same without Uzi and his leadership for his pupils. Please do unban him, and if you think that it’s not the right time to, I am willing to talk to the owner/admin of the server to voice my opinion clearly. Thank you so much. 

“Let the light within shine brighter than the darkness that consumes you.” -Ark Sentalia

Posted : 01/12/2017 3:51 am
New Member

I have seen the video and after consulting with Uzi, I believe that Uzi's ban was unjust and poorly executed.  The One that should have received a ban, due to the evidence that one of the colleagues named "SkullKrusher" shot at the car first.  Which then proceeded to have Chidi, leave his car, causing SkullKrusher to shot and the vehicle, and destroying it.  When Chidi found out he tried to run and fight head on.  The first shot was on Chidi's side shooting at Lil Uzi Vert. Causing Uzi to retaliate and kill Chidi out of self-defense for him and his group.  Uzi has been wrongfully banned and his punishment should be revoked, and the placed on SkullKrusher, who has never broken the rules and should only receive a ban no greater than 24 hours.  My main message here is that sometimes videos can be deceiving and the innocent can be wrongly accused.  Kolibob I hope this reaches you and changes your view on this case and can make you see the truth that is being told in a sea of lies.

Posted : 01/12/2017 4:01 am

I am not personally a friend of Lil Uzi but I have heard him do great things for the server and people.

The people he works with that's a different story but Lil Uzi, I was on the server when this was happening and from what I had heard (including this forum post) and all the people on this forum so far, yes Uzi in my opinion is very toxic but I don't think that's a reason for him to be banned while in the video you can clearly see he was only defending himself if anything his team mate should be the one banned trying to kill the people in the sedan.

I rest my case.  

Posted : 01/12/2017 9:54 am
Honorable Member

I have lowered your ban to three days starting now, as your story simply doesn't fit and it seems that you enjoy throwing around the blame - in no way did the person recording attempt to engage you, that's just a lousy excuse to your permanent ban - please, next time stick to the story that you were just protecting your team after your team messed up.

As for "SkullKrusher", he has been banned for 1/2 week for attempted KoS and vehicular destruction.

If this ever repeats, for both of you, you will be permanently banned. 

Posted : 02/12/2017 2:14 am
Eminent Member Customer

i shot a car it attempt KOS WTF

Posted : 02/12/2017 2:50 am