I have got banned "...
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I have got banned "hellopeople"

Active Member Customer

I was banned for the following reason kos which I think is not true because this is what happened I was on the sidewalk minding my own business when suddenly somebody come running his car at a player I meant to wrack the driver with my katana instead knocking the player down and I tried reviving the player and of course the man drove his car over and I dogged and that how the man died and it was counted as my kos

*why I should get unbanned, it wasn't my fault and it was kind of a misunderstanding

*server* life rp

*steam profile* https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199141479322/home

*dear nylex*

This topic was modified 3 years ago by hellopeople
Topic starter Posted : 06/05/2021 5:36 am