I have been Banned ...
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I have been Banned Updated

Active Member

-What happened/why you-what happened----- I was robbing the bank with my group and we broke one of the safes, we decided to escape by
rushing ourselves out of the bank and kill the cops so we can safely run away
we successfully managed to kill two of them but the last one was camping behind a wall waiting for
us to loot so he managed to wound all of my teammates, the cop revived me
and I started to pick up my stuff then the cop downed me again, he dragged me away from the street
and started to do the animation needed to revive and punched me in the head and left me on the ground so I suicided.

-Why you feel you should be unbanned/given a second chance-I would like to be unbanned because I feel like there wasn't much RP going on at the time that I broke a rule, I'm not saying that I should FailRp when other people are I'm just saying that it was so chaotic there was mass KOS happening, the cops were shooting any civilian near the bank robbery, there were people mic spamming about KOS, I just wanted to leave the area and get away from all the chaos. I realize now that I broke a rule and I'm sorry that I didn't make the right discussion at the moment there was a lot of things going through my head I hope you can understand. Thank you for looking at my ban appeal I hope you have a good day.
-What server you were banned from-LifeRP
-A link to your steam profile-  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254016466/


This topic was modified 4 years ago 3 times by shit
Topic starter Posted : 21/06/2020 3:54 am

When i come online tonight, we gonna have a chat and dependend on that, maybe you´ll get unbanned.

Posted : 21/06/2020 1:04 pm