I have been banned.
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I have been banned.

Active Member Customer

-What happened/why you were banned: Well the reason was corruption. I have been accused of passing on chesters to mafia organizations and gangs. However, all that I had was two shotguns that I had before pd which I sold but was misunderstood for being my pd gear. I was also accused of having handcuffs in my lockers after I left pd and I was told that I had drugs and narcotics (which I definitely didn't have) inside without any proof.
-Why you feel you should be unbanned/gave a second chance: Well I think I deserve this second chance is that now that I have a recording software setup. It will start to help me in terms of the few accusations will be proven wrong therefore helping me and of course, terms of clearing my proof. Once again I apologize for the inconvenience and you will be no longer hearing any more appeals from me after this.
-What server you were banned from: Life RP.
-A link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199032369028/

Topic starter Posted : 24/08/2020 3:12 am
Active Member

i think thats good he if fine. cops keep giving hiim a bad time. just let him play. 😑 😑 

Posted : 24/08/2020 1:24 pm
New Member

you should get unbanned

Posted : 26/08/2020 3:40 pm