I got banned
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I got banned

Active Member Customer

I was banned for Raiding a hanger that was growing cows. For this ban appeal, I will be copy and pasting segments directly from the rules, these are full sentences as to not be accused of picking and choosing what segments to show however I will be highlighting the relevant parts of the sentences. If you want to check any parts of the rules I don’t quote here is the link: https://www.unturnedroleplay.com/community/rules/life-rp-server-rules-read-before-playing/


Ban Appeal:
The rules under the category “Raiding/Stealing” states “Conducting robberies on other players houses is not against the rules so long as the player has an RP reason to be breaking into someone elses home”. I had the RP reason to break into the hanger because he the only other major cow dealer on the server and he was making money extremely fast, from talking around the community I heard he had anywhere from two to six million. To show how rich that is 1.56 Milion could buy every mansion on the map (if my memory is correct about there being 13 mansions). However, after I was banned I went to the discord and now I will be talking about all the arguments. One of the arguments I heard was that “it was classified as “griefing” however under the griefing section of the rules it states, “You may only build on your own property in which you have a deed for. Building anywhere else is considered griefing and will result in a ban, especially if it obstructs other areas. Griefing vehicles that are not owned by you, such as destroying them, siphoning them, etc is against the rules (Not including stealing them). Building on vehicles is fine so long as it doesn't obstruct other players/is excessive.” and it states nothing about breaking into houses. Another argument I heard was that “Breaking in” means walking in if they leave the door open. However in the definition from Oxford Languages it clearly states that “break in” means “force entry to a building.” and walking in through an open door would not be considered “force entry”. When admins discovered I raided, the admin Clipper started to DM me about what I used and who I did it with and he wouldn’t perm ban me but would still ban me, I told him a did it alone and asked him how long it would the ban would be if I told him what he used (because a 4-year ban isn’t a perm ban but let’s face it mine as well be) He would not tell me how long the ban would be so I made him a deal, “if you can copy and past from the rules what rule I broke I will tell you, he would not do it. Other then saying “raiding”.
Quick side note, I feel like staff shouldn’t tell people to kill themselves in the discord and since I’m being a smart ass here… discord rule 3


In the end, even if I do not get unbanned these rules very much need to be revisited and fixed to stop things like this from happening, and for those who are wondering, I used slugs.

Topic starter Posted : 26/01/2021 5:28 pm
Topic Tags

You didn't link your steam ID. Do that and i'll unban you.
- Nexx

Posted : 27/01/2021 3:33 pm
gamermanop reacted
Active Member Customer

@nexx sorry about that https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198322186687

could I also get unbanned on discord? Pug_Thug#0001


Topic starter Posted : 30/01/2021 4:18 am

Unbanned on both. Have fun.
- Nexx

Posted : 30/01/2021 5:25 pm