I feel like i was t...
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I feel like i was the target of stress and a undeserved ban

Active Member

I helped Shadow the moderator build the Safe Zone by going around the edge with large wooden plates so he could see where to ad metal walls i did this for about an hour i got a reward for doing this then Shadow asked who wants a shop me and Toklo said me please so Shadow built us shops to our liking then lots of people started harassing Shadow for their own shop so he built many shops for them but got stressed then this guy named Suku had a car and people kept punching the wheels and shadow was sick of just giving him tires so he left it then about 5 people with car jacks where car jacking his car onto a shop shadow was building so he got pretty angry ans started shooting rocket launchers at people and in all caps in chat telling people to fu*k off (don`t know if i am allowed to swear on here) so i was just watching and i left i went to middle of Safe Zone and built a DJ booth a 1x1 wooden house and people gathered round and requested songs so i played them lots of people came over and were having fun but a minuet later Shadow came over and said to me is this yours? did you build this? so i said yes its mine is it problem? (in a polite way not sarcastic for douchey) he didn't say anything and the next thing i know i am banned for 24 hours i was very confused as Shadow didn't say anything to me he just asked if it was mine and banned me if he would've said remove this i would've straight away no questions asked 

I feel i should be unbanned because i didn't do anything major i didn't hurt anyone or anything i was only having fun with people many people enjoyed it and i wasn't told what i did wrong or what i should do or even any type of explanation it was very harmless and people enjoyed it and were having fun if you would like i have many witnesses to the situation and they will say the same that shadow didn't say anything other than is this yours?

I have 1050 hours on Unturned and i am a very experienced role-player and this is my first ban from any server

I was banned from Overgrown 3+

My steam profile  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170116534

Topic starter Posted : 05/02/2017 2:50 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Sorry you had to deal with this. You're unbanned:)

Posted : 05/02/2017 3:09 pm
Active Member

thank you 


Topic starter Posted : 05/02/2017 3:13 pm
Honorable Member

This is the most hirious and stupid ban yet.

Posted : 05/02/2017 8:54 pm
Nylex reacted
Trusted Member Customer

your unabbned 6 years later


Posted : 24/06/2023 1:28 am