bozo la best ban ap...
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bozo la best ban appeal

Active Member

-What happened/why you were banned Apparently I vehicle griefed. 
-Why you feel you should be unbanned/gave a second chance 1. I never griefed a vehicle. If I did grief a vehicle I would give all the shit back. Rather this is by accident or not an accident. James Chernov is claiming I stole 300 coke from him. I, in fact, did not I bought 200 of them and I made 100 of them. He's also claiming I stole 1.2k chemicals when I picked most of them up from a truck landing in the water. About 4 other people were there. the truck exploded with berries and chemicals. So, I feel like I should be unbanned because I have never stole any coke. Nor chemicals.
-What server you were banned from LIFE RP
-A link to your steam profile

Topic starter Posted : 14/06/2021 12:07 pm
Robert O Flanko

Lets break this down for you:

In your DMs with James Chernovs, You claimed you bought them from Sam2Cool at 4 PM on the 13th, 

This name rung a bell to me, as it did to James, because Sam2Cool was banned only 4 days previously on the 9th for KOS.

Now I understand confusing Ronald with Donald for example, But you said the exact name of a person who was banned, This brought massive suspicion on you already as you claimed you got the exact amount of Cocaine from the explosion from a Banned Player. Moving onto the Chemicals, You claimed you bought a lot from Parker. Once reading this I decided to DM parker and he said he doesn't think he sold you any, and if he did it would've been a max of 20. 

This not only shows you lying about who you "bought" the exact amount of cocaine the Chernovs lost from, but it also shows you lying about how you acquired the exact amount of chemicals lost. You managed to use Parker and Sam2Cool as a cover up, but both ended up being lies. I understand randomly selling 10 cocaine and 100 chemicals, But you managed to get the EXACT amount of Cocaine and Chemicals lost in the Chernovs vehicle. Not only that, but you started to sell it not even 20 minutes after the vehicle disappeared. If you wish to appeal again go for it, But all of these lies don't make sense. I suggest not lying on your next appeal.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Robert O Flanko
Posted : 16/06/2021 2:34 am