bean boi ban appeal
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[Solved] bean boi ban appeal

Eminent Member
reason for ban: exploiting 
why i should be given another chance: I was banned from life rp almost 5 months ago, I had been banned for exploiting however i was inactive for over a week at that point and hadn't even known of the exploits that were happening in my group. I have recently started looking back into rejoining the community and been informed that the 2 members of my group who had been exploiting had been unbanned. there is not much I can say I will do different, but I wish to rejoin this community and will make sure to choose who I group with better in the future. 
server i was banned from: life rp

reposting appeal, all my other appeals have been ignored.

Topic starter Posted : 11/09/2023 4:30 pm

Unbanned dont do it again 

Posted : 13/09/2023 10:39 am